Trisha Davis Principle Investigator tdavis@u.washington.edu |
Trisha is a professor in the Department of Biochemistry at the
University of Washington in Seattle and director of the
Yeast Resource Center, a Biomedical Technology Resource Center supported
by NCRR and NIGMS at NIH.
Trisha is an invaluable source of advice,
direction and support. All of the original 500,000+ images
were generated by Trisha's microscopy laboratory at
the University of Washington in Seattle.
Michael Riffle Data and Code Wrangler mriffle@u.washington.edu |
Mike designed and developed the database, data importing pipeline and web application. He is responsible for
support, maintainence and continuing development of the image repository.
If you have any questions, comments or bug reports, please contact Mike. |
The YRC Public Image Repository is supported by grants P41GM103533 and GM40506 from
National Institute of General Medical Sciences
at the US National Institutes of Health.